Now our boots are finally dry from Sunday’s Spot 2 Spot we can let you all know what happened in the awesome resort of Avoriaz. The concept was simple, Volcom invited their main store dealers, European team riders and media to Avoriaz where they had built a gathering of side hits and obstacles next to the infamous Stash park.

I have to be honest and say that the weather was the type of conditions they spoke about in the bible, right before Noah turned up in his Arc. This weather didn’t do anything to dampen the spirits though and hundreds of riders of all nationalities and abilities rode en masse down the Spot 2 Spot set up.
The judges were riding throughout the course with the riders to get an overall impression on who deserved the top prize for the top spot.

After a lot of impressing riding, in difficult conditions, the judges had decided they had seen enough of the side hit run and moved us to the next spot- lunch. Set in the new piste basher garage in Avoriaz, we were provided an incredible lunch from the nice guys at Cuisine 22, well recommended. With a much needed pause from the rain, we were fed, beers were drunk and it was onto the next stop- a rail jam slap bang in the middle of Avoriaz.

The last spot was a purpose built tube, placed right by the tourist office, which provided the hotel guests scattered around Avoriaz the perfect view of the action. Speed for the rail was obtained by jumping off the room of the tourist office. Sparrow Knox was the first man to test out the feature and once he hit it the rest of the riders followed suit and the contest was on. A lot of good riders hit this set up but from the beginning onwards party boy Simon Pircher looked the most solid and consistent and he walked away with the gold. A notable shout out goes to the guy that tried a cab 5 off the tourist board roof to instant faceslam (check the edit above for more)

With the riding done and dusted it was time to go party. We don’t remember that part except it was packed and fun, so luckily Volcom sent their filmers to document that.
Volcom are no stranger to putting on sick events and Spot 2 Spot was no exception to the rule. We hope this becomes a regular event because we think it has a lot of potential and it’s something a little different from the other events out there.
Women Pro
1st Maisie Hill 1000€
2nd Margot Rozies 500€
Men Pro
Arthur Longo (stand out)
1st) Roland Tschoder (1000€)
2) Joe & Jack Simpson (500€)
Women AM
1st) Laura Rocafort
2nd) Charlyne Derrier
Men Am
1st) Benjamin Staehle
2nd) Jonathan Jones
Women Pro
1st) Maisie Hill
Men Pro
1st) Simon Pircher (1000€)
Runner ups- Simon Maxit (500€) – Sparrow Knox (500€)
- HYPE OF THE DAY (riders who didn’t stop all day long)
- Women – Maisie Hill
- Men – Juan Cachat