The increasingly hard to leave resort of Laax, played host for the The 5th edition of the Sudden Rush Banked Slalom. 9 weeks of course building, 400 competitors of all ages, an incredible Tidal Art Show, lot’s of Swiss beer and p60 park laps made for an incredible event. Here is a selection of images that shows what went down.
RESULTS Super Masters Men (50+) 1 Bauer Peter 2 Meyenberg Andy 3 Herger Ruedi
Grand Masters Men (45 – 49) 1 Prokes Jan 2 Kroepfli Urs 3 Scherrer Thomas
Masters Women ( 40+) 1 Imhof Murielle 2 Keller Katharina 3 Tscharner Martina
Masters Men (40 – 44) 1 Neiger Reto 2 Brechbühl Raymond 3 Gmür Ivo
Pro Women (from 18) 1 Sillieres Chloe 2 Staib-Glaus Ariane 3 Fujimori Yuka
Pro Men (from 18) 1 Haakonsen Terje 2 Dellaire Felix 3 Longo Arthur
Open Women (18 – 39) 1 Casutt Tiziana 2 Langenegger Lia 3 Juchli Joelle
Open Men (18 – 39) 1 Birri David 2 Oester Andreas 3 Nadig Renato