Midas: Sebastian Springeth and Max Zebe in Czech.
Sebastian Springeth and Max Zebe on a 2 week trip to Czech Republic.
Sebastian Springeth and Max Zebe on a 2 week trip to Czech Republic.
Innsbruck’s Sane! crew are celebrating their 10th video release with Innsbrooklyn’s finest and this video is probably their greatest so far. Sit and watch some of Austria’s best.
The 2017 Kaunertal Opening is a wrap. Find out what went down at another epic weekend of glacier opening delights.
A Different Vision captured; Max Zebe, Simon Gruber, Elio Fumagalli and Sebi Springeth as they shred the shit out of Zermatt, Switzerland.
Go Shred were on hand at the 31st Kaunertal Opening to capture Max Zebe as he completely shut down the entire resort. Style for days.
Analog continue their invasion of Europe as the team head to Poland for the filming of Bees Knees by Taco Trip. On their travels they discover knee injuries, unfriendly locals and heaps of fresh urban spots.
How fun do some of these set ups look? Niels Schack, Max Zebe, Sparrow Knox, Ludwig Lejkner and Jonte Lindhe getting creative out in Sweden whilst filming for Taco Trips “Bees Knees”
Sebastian Springeth and Max Zebe going full ham in the spring conditons at Absolut Park in Flachauwinkl.
Postland managed to get almost the entire cast on an extensive European premier tour. Hitting up the best glaciers, they stacked footy as the crew was out in force. Featuring: Christoph Schwarz, Will Smith, Jesse Augustinus, Ollie Dutton, Alex Tank, Simon Pircher, Benny Urban, Max Zebe, Cees Wille, Kevin Trammer, Bob Van Unnik, Raffi Kossman, Artem Smolin, Gido Gföllner, Denis Leontyev, Jessi Blackwell, Anthony Inthout, Ethan Morgan and Roel Van Oosterhout.
As you well know, Rock A Rail 2015 was the best rail contests ever held. To back up that claim, Postland have just dropped the offical recap video of the event. This edit is heavy.