Tag: Pyramid magazine

Footy Fiend, Hot Dawgs And Handrails 2014

The annual Hot Dawgs and Handrails went down this past weekend in Bear. No worries If you missed the live webcast, Footy Fiend were there to capture the action.

Full Movie: Snackfooty

Snackfooty is the result of a movie produced with zero budger or sponsors and the hard graft from The Snackbreak Crew. It’s good to see a startup coming out of nowhere with a full 100% urban and backcountry movie with no park footage. Featuring: Jesse Denham-Greer, Oli Kimmich, Michael Rotsaert, Johan Rosen, Lucas Robinson, Andy James, Sam “Red Dog” Neumann, Andy Stewart, Lucio Doglioni-Majer and Tommi Ollikainen.

Teaser: Loveolution 6

The guys at Love distribution just posted their trailer for their latest release Loveolution 6. Love has some outstanding talents on the team including; Anna Gasser, Seth Hill, Marc Swoboda, Dominik Wagner, Clemens Schattschneider and more. Who knew Swoboda could act so well?

Milk Teeth: Rowan Coultas

We caught up with Rowan Coultas who has been blitzing contests and turning heads everywhere for the past few seasons.

Burton Presents Jeremy Jones and Mikkel Bang

Up next in Burton present’s full part webisodes is the iconic Mikkel Bang and Jeremy Jones. Mikkel has gone for a full backcountry section and it’s great to see that his amazing style hasn’t changed a bit in the pow. Jeremy’s part yet again blows you away with his gnarly urban skills that get better each year. Yet again Burton produce a must watch video.

Full Part: Mario Wanger

Zillertal local Mario Wanger had a good season chasing the pow through BC and his beloved Mayrhofen. This powder filled edit is just what you need for your Monday morning lunch break.

Rome Snowboards: Find Snowboarding, Aleutians.

Rome Snowboards continue their awesome webisodes with part 2 of their Find Snowboarding, mini documentary. In this episode Cody Booth, Thomas Delfino and Aspen Rain Weaver head to The Aleutians, where they discover bad weather, grizzly bears, first decents and untracked pow.

Teaser: TFA We Trippy.

Ethan Morgan, Mario Kaeppeli, Simon Pircher and Flo Corzelius are back in their new release ” We Trippy.” Expect next level riding, partying and stupidity from these German speaking loose cannons.

Riders Who Can Skate (Well): Fredrik Austbø

If you ever saw Fredrik in his break out part “White Balance”, you will already be fully aware of his skating talents. Bare in mind though he was 14 when that part dropped and talents for skating have only intensified with time. We spoke to Fredrik about his life skating.